28 October
Saint Paint!
The most cost effective way to give you house lighter, brighter, fresher, more modern, cleaner and more appealing is to use paint!
Drop in to your local paint shop and ask what’s on trend.
Take in some photos and speak with a colour consultant.
Be very selective about making statements with paint – it might feel good to express your creative side and at the same time polarise your buying community.
Grab some ideas off pinterest and put yourself in your buyers shoes. And, because paint is so cheap, make sure you freshen the home up – leaving traces of old decore tell buyers you’ve done a quick and dirty renovation which doesn’t cut the mustard these days!
Finally, shortcuts are not cool – the right preparation is everything with painting. Remember you could be selling this home to someone’s niece or nephew, someone’s brother or sister, someone’s mother or father. Taking shortcuts doesn’t save money!